Big government building rollout

We’re installing Energy Management Systems across 8 of their UK sites, and supplying the accompanying software - enabling them to see exactly what their energy spend looks like (how it breaks down) and the routes of attack to get to carbon zero! It’s a cracking contract for us, and so far we’ve been really pleased with the delivery (more importantly - so has the customer!)
Whilst we’re on the subject of government, our Customer Experience Team delivered training to a Category B Prison up North this month - taking a large group of management grade prison officers through topics such as resilience, leadership, growth, trust, conflict and office politics. Every officer had an individual personality profile completed alongside coaching before hand which made the day much more personalised. It went very well, and this time we were allowed to take in tech!!! Delivering with no slides, sound or visuals is tough, so this was a huge help!
Our new website is shaping up brilliantly, and we have a new addition to the content flock - a sexy new icon/image - which describes us visually - Matrix style!!
Sarah threw herself off a building for charity - bonkers lady!! Great job Sarah, you really embody our charity ethos!
Mark debuted as a visiting lecturer at York uni, speaking about all things cutting edge tech. It went great and he was mobbed after for selfies and then invited back for a bigger sleeping slot, before he’d even left the building!
We also fitted in a flyby to a swanky central London customer, who not only have the best views from their office balcony, but have a posh box of clubs (chocolate biscuits) of the ‘join out club’ ilk if you’re old enough to remember that jingle!