Marks's Dubai adventure and other updates.
Mark has returned from Dubai. He was missed. Lots of adventures were had. He has already scoped our next office space :-)! Apparently also a lot of ‘ball soup’ went on - I’m not entirely sure what that looks like, but I’m going with it. Thankfully I don’t have to stand next to a very tanned Mark at any point in the near future!!
Mark will be pea-cocking at BEST Silverstone Mastermind session whilst John looks on with envy. John will be in sunny Warrington with another EMS install.
John had a nightmare at home involving drains and poop. I don’t think we need any further detail at this time of the day do we?! He also stayed over in student digs in Swansea whilst testing the site. For a while without towels, so drip drying was an option… I’m thinking one brother is getting a rawer end of this deal lately…?!
There was more work completed on the new website and some fun and frolics had on a photo-shoot! Also some VERY nice words pulled together in terms of references from customers. The pop-ups also look great - they are sure to create a buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
In a bit! MetaB3e.