We hit the BIG one!

We have banging news!! We’ve hit a colossal financial milestone - we’ve crossed the £mil barrier. We feel more than a bit squeamish sharing this publicly as we, and the rest of the British, find talking about cash all a bit vulgar, but we’re going to put our sensitivities aside for a mo and recognise all that has gone into this achievement. This does not happen by accident. We were reminded recently that only 4% of SaaS companies make it to a million dollars. This milestone is a result of a HELL of a lot of graft, and support from many of you reading this, so it would be remiss of us not to stop and recognise this. It’s a culmination of sleepless nights, thousands of miles driven, ridiculously long days, a lot of staring at the walls, teamwork, fuel fill ups, hotel rooms, parking fees and bucketloads of overthinking. It’s over four years of mistakes, wins, dwindling patience, high, lows, phone calls, and emails, WhatsApps, site visits and cheeky sausage rolls. It’s making strong customer relationships, and delivering time after time. It’s saying yes even when we would rather say no, as we are cream-crackered.
Oh yes. This milestone is not about the value - it is about the journey!! What a way we have come, from a back bedroom in Mark’s house to multiple offices, bootstrapping the whole way! Mark recently said when staffing - ‘think special forces, not infantry’. It’s not about boots on the ground - its about who is on your team and what they bring!! It’s also allll about how we treat our customers. As we say in our book - whenever I hear the phrase ‘cash is king’ I want to remind the idiot that says it that cash comes from customers - THEY are the key to success. Sorry, got a bit ranty there for a sec. So yes. Congratulations Team MetaB3e!!!
With the above in mind, we like to give back - Our CX team launched their Spring competition and we had some amazing entries! Watch this space for more on this.
Sharon (always one for the glamour) is sleeping rough again this month for charity - last time she raised over £1000 for the homeless, this time, she is bringing reinforcements in the shape of her kid! It’s in a car park in Milton Keynes, a full night, cardboard and sleeping bags - rock n roll, eh? Hopefully loos. But who knows. Oooof.
Sarah our resident bad ass biker chick has passed her biker test (first time of course) and is now out on the roads shakin’ sh$t up! - Well done Sarah!!
Our ever adventurous engineer Rich, ticked off a bucket list item by climbing to Everest base camp, he made it look mega easy. Absolutely awesome!
Mark’s speaker career continues! If you’ve heard Mark speak (you lucky thing you), you’ll know how motivational he is. We’re now pimping him out for speaker slots so shout us if you need an inspirational speaker at your next event!
I’m not sure where April has gone; one second it’s April fools, the next we’re in bonny Scotland at the end of the month, in the rain, at a blood bank surrounded by scientists and human parts. Life at MetaB3e is never dull!!
Tune in for our next instalment where we hope to be able to show off the swanky-swank new website that we’ve been beavering away on behind the scenes! It’ll be sexy AND cx’y - we can promise you that!!